BENEFITS 100% Commission

Start saving up for a bigger pig with Realty Hub’s 100% Commission Plan. You’ll be saying oink oink all the way to the bank. Learn more>>

$100 / YEAR + $100 / CLOSING

For only $100 a year and $100 per closing, you’ll receive all the benefits including 100% commission, no hidden fees and E&O Insurance. Learn more>>

JOIN NOW and Start Earning

Say goodbye to the old brokerage model. Say hello to 100% commission. Stop giving away your hard earned commission. Learn more>>

Realty Hub is happy to serve real estate agents in Alabama. Whether you are looking to just park your license or make more money as a real estate agent, this is the place for you. We want to give you the best commission split possible. Our fee structure is the lowest in the industry – only $100 per transaction. What are you waiting for? Come join us in Alabama!

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