GREC Section C Firm AffiliationInformation Form "*" indicates required fields Full Name* First Last Email* Step 1: Select the one which best describes you and download the appropriate formSelect the one which best describes you and download the appropriate form* I want access to FMLS I want access to FMLS and Georgia MLS I want access to FMLS and I am a member of a GA Realtor Association (Georgia MLS optional) Which GA Realtor Association are you a current member of?*Please select..Atlanta Realtors AssociationNortheast Georgia Board of RealtorsDownload this signed form: Section C Firm Affiliation Info Form (Realty Hub, LLC) Download this form: Section C Firm Affiliation Info Form (Realty Hub of Georgia, LLC) Download this form: Section C Firm Affiliation Info Form (US Realty Hub, LLC) Step 2: Fill out the chosen form and submit it at the AMP test center Step 3: Log into the Georgia Real Estate Commission website to confirm if your license is ACTIVE with Realty Hub. If it's active, proceed to step 4. If it's not, you have to wait for the GREC to activate it before proceeding to the next step. Step 4: On the upper right corner of this page, click the Join Now button, choose Georgia, and complete the rest of the application process. Hit Submit to inform us about your application. NotesNameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.